Adventures of a Wandering Homebody
So, needless to say, I spend a lot of time in the garden. And therefore, so do my kids. My oldest is very interested in doing what mommy does and has her own garden (which at times has grown better than mine!). She takes the time to water it, enjoys harvesting and especially likes to make ‘plant food’ (compost and water) to keep her vegetables and flowers happy. Bean is pretty focused and has the patience to wait for things to grow. My little guy, on the other hand, is more happy to play with the worms, frogs and occasional caterpillars that frequent our garden. Although he has his own garden spot, he’d rather dig in it than wait for something to grow. After all, mommy already has all the green beans he’ll need, right?
Once the paint is dry (and you have sealed the pot, if necessary) start looking for a damp spot in the yard to put your abode. You’ll also need a rock to prop up the edge of the pot so the toads can get in. The kids can find dry leaves, twigs and sticks to put under the abode, to give the toads a cozy home. Set it out and see what happens. My kids have been checking theirs every day to see if anyone has moved in, they also sing to the toads to let them know there is a place for them. I’m not sure if that is hurting or helping, but at least we are all outside enjoying nature.
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