Hang Much?

I love to hang my laundry out on the clothesline. There is something about the sun and wind working their magic so that when you put your clothes on or go to bed at night you can smell nature in your shirt or on your sheets. That I know I am making an environmentally responsible choice by not using electricity to dry my clothes, therefore also not using valuable resources while lessening the life span of my clothing, makes me feel good. But for me, the best part of hanging laundry on the line is s l o w i n g down. It takes time to hang (and take down) 2-3 loads of laundry a day. Time that is spent outside and so for me feels like heaven. Time to think about what else I would like to do for the day, time to just watch the children play and talk with one another.
Shirt inside out and sewn.

My calm ‘hang time’ was broken one day this summer when I could no longer simultaneously hold the container of clothespins and pin up laundry and kept on dropping items on the ground. I had seen clothespin hanging bags before but I had no scrap fabric. A quick search on Etsy led me to some cute clothespin aprons. But me being me, I needed to find a way to make something without spending money. After some thought, I dug through my son’s old clothes and found a button down shirt. After turning it inside out and seeing the bottom closed, I turned it inside right and found a small hanger to put it on. Once I unbuttoned the top two buttons and filled it with clothespins I was ready to calmly hang again, knowing my clothespins would only be a slide down the clothesline away.

Finished clothespin bag.

Do you hang laundry?  How do you manage clothespins?

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