Meatless Monday Menu Milestone

In our household, for about the past 2 years, we have been doing our best to practice Meatless Mondays in our meal planning. We’ve been focusing on dinners (breakfast is usually meatless anyway and lunch is sometimes) and with 2 young children, many of those dinners have revolved around pasta.  I have made various attempts at non-pasta and more vegetable based meatless meals, most of which have been officially labeled “yucky” by my 2 year old.  Others that have been mildly successful have been met with “…would be a lot better with meat in it” from my hubby.  In fact, my hubby often conveniently ‘works late’ on Mondays, which I can only believe is his way to avoid a vegetarian dinner.

But not tonight, my friends.
Tonight, he went in for seconds.
Okay, so I still got a “yucky” from my 2 year old, but he’s going to take a bit longer to convert.  I will share with you the meal that has become a milestone and has hardened my resolve to create more yummy vegetarian meals.  For now, Score One for Meatless Monday.
Health and Happiness,
A few weeks ago I had made Quinoa Hot Pot, a recipe from a mailer from BJ’s Wholesale Club.  Not fully satisfied with it, I made some substitutions and created this.
Quinoa and Black Beans
1 cup tricolor quinoa ( I got mine from Trader Joe’s)
2 cups water or broth
1 can black beans (drained)
1 can diced tomatoes (undrained)
salt, pepper to taste
1/4 tsp dried parsley
1/4 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp garlic powder
Combine quinoa and water or broth in a medium saucepan.  Bring to boil, then down to simmer and cook covered about 10 minutes until liquid is mostly absorbed and little ‘sprouts’ are coiling out of quinoa.  Add the remaining ingredients and stir.  Serve warm with buttered crusty bread.